About Me.

Hola everyone! :) Okay, so I'm commonly known as MUSiCORMiSERY4105on FF.NET but you can call me RiP. or by my real name if you prefer. My real name is Melanie :] I'm fifteen years old and a Sophomore in Highschool, and you know what, I'm damn proud of that fact :)  I have a tend to obsess over things pretty easily. Like Twilight for instance, I'm in LOVE with Twilight, (and have been before everyone else became obsessed with it. I'm proud to say I'm one of those people who read it none long after it first was released: 2005/06 baby)

I love coffee, gummy-worms, big sunglasses, rollercoasters, cameras of any sort, shiny fast cars, vampires, dramatic make-up, layin' out in the summer and hxc (hardcore) music. On the flip side, I hate shorthand writing, people who mess up my hair, people who drive overly slow, Country music, big loud trucks and bugs.  And, I also hate blood and gore. I’m not a fan of horror films although I’ll watch them when I’m forced  (Yes, I really do mean forced)  by my amazing sister: Kendra, my awesome best friend: Chantel or my lovely boyfriend: Daymen. (Yeah, his name is spelled oddly, but I love him <3) 

Speaking of which, I'd like to make a note of them because they are such a huge part of my life. Kendra is the big sister, she is seventeen years old and a Senior in highschool. I look up to her in so many ways. She literally is the best big sister I could ever ask for, plus she introduced me to my boyfriend, but more on him later. She's really sweet and I don't think she could ever really harm anyone and then not feel bad about it later. She's just kind like that. Then there is the best friend. Her name is Chantel. She is the craziest bitch you will ever meet in your life. She doesn't take crap from anybody and she has issues with hyperness. And lastly, there is the amazing boyfriend: Daymen. He is two years older than me, seventeen and he is in the same grade as my sister. They have been really good friends since they were in Junior High and finally we ended up getting together nearly a year ago now thanks to my meddling older sister, haha :) and I love him with everything in me. I honestly couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, ever.

I’m a little—or rather a lot OCD. I have a HUGE tendency to ramble on and on, as you can probably already tell. I could write a novel on something that should only be explained in two or three sentences  (which has happened before on an essay question on a History test I took last year.)  

I’d have to say my best friends and family are the most important things to me in the world. I love talking to people and making new friends so don’t be ashamed or too shy to talk to me. I’m really good at listening to peoples issues and helping them with them  (almost like a mini and free-session therapist.)  So if you ever need someone to talk to about things, feel free to talk :) No one is to lowly for me to talk to.

Anyways, on a good, but bad note, I love writing stories and fanfiction but since I'd entered Highschool, things had become pretty chaotic so I had not really had the time to work on my fanfics. The good news: Now that it's summer (<3) I 've started working on two/three of them and hope to start working on some others of them again over the summer. Ah, well...I'd say that's about it on me!

Peace Ya'll,

:) RiP.